박정훈 (Jacob Park)
Hanyang University, Mathematics, Actuary

Worked as a full-time instructor at the Insurance Training Institute and the Institute of Actuaries for 10 years,
with 20 years of experience in actuarial consulting at companies such as SIG Partners, EY, and Deloitte.
자세히 알아보기
Hong Kong
Norman Yao
Melbourne University, Actuarial
-Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)

Has 30 years of experience as Chief Actuary at AXA China Regional Insurance Company and AXAGI Hong Kong.
Also served as Chief Risk Officer and Head of Fraud Prevention at AXA China Regional Insurance Company.
자세히 알아보기
Lisa alpa

Has 30 years of experience as Chief Actuary at AXA China Regional Insurance Company and AXAGI Hong Kong.
Also served as Chief Risk Officer and Head of Fraud Prevention at AXA China Regional Insurance Company.
자세히 알아보기
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The ADS Academy course delves deeply into the fundamental principles of insurance and their application in actuarial work. It provides practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in the field through the structure of major insurance products and real-life examples. The course is designed to make complex concepts easy to understand with clear explanations from experts and high-quality visual materials. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your expertise in the insurance and actuarial fields with top-notch content.


The ADS Academy course delves deeply into the fundamental principles of insurance and their application in actuarial work. It provides practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in the field through the structure of major insurance products and real-life examples. The course is designed to make complex concepts easy to understand with clear explanations from experts and high-quality visual materials. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your expertise in the insurance and actuarial fields with top-notch content.

With the best expert instructors tailored to the needs of the company

Experts in the industry have been carefully selected!

Direct access to top-tier
experts in the industry

Direct access to top-tier
experts in the industry

Direct access to top-tier
experts in the industry

Tom Helm

Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)

Johnathan Doe

Executive Director

Johnathan Doe

Marketing Director

Johnathan Doe

Additional Director

ADS Academy's Original!

Experience a variety of professional courses that reflect the latest trends!

Credential Program at the ADS Academy - AWLC

Demonstrate your expertise with the ADS Academy Certification Program.

The Actuarial Working Level Certificate has three levels.

Choose the level that suits you best, complete the program, and pass the exam to prove your professional skills!




Event 1

10% discount for one course

Event 2

80% discount for all course

Course Category

1. 계리실무기초

- 계산기수를 이용한 보험료 및 환급금 산출
- 보험수리의 이해

2. 전사교육과정

- 재무제표 이해
- 관리회계

3. 상품개발과정

- PV생성 (계산 기수 기반)
- 신상품 손익 분석
- 위험률 개발
- On-level의 이해

4. IFRS17 심화과정

- 위험률 /계약자 행동/경제적/사업비 배분 가정 산출 방법론
- IFRS 계리 결산 실무
- 계리적 가정 관리방안 (Audit Trail)

5. K-ICS 과정

- 금리/보험/자산관련 리스크
- 가용자산 및 B/S 작성 실무
- 업무보고서 작성 실무

6. 재보험

- 전통적 재보험
- 재보험 손익예측 엑셀 실습
- 공동 재보험

7. Risk 관리과정

- 보험 리스크 내부모형
- ALM 관리
- MCEV 관리

8. 관리회계 과정

- Biz Planning
- IFRS17 및 K-ICS 기준 KPI 선정
- 변액 헷징 플랜

9. 계리 S/W 과정

- Prophet의 이해
- Pricing 실습
- Valuation 실습
- 내부 관리 (Biz Planning, ALM 등) 실습

10. System

- IFRS17 시스템 구축
- K-ICS 시스템 구축
- Data Mart
- Report/거버넌스
- IT 최적화 및 운영

11. ERM (Enterprise Risk Managment) 과정

- Basic ERM Risk Management
- Insurance Risk Concept and Internal Model


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